Monday, February 1, 2010

Dalai Bana South Africa Bana Dalai Lama Until 2010?

South Africa bana Dalai Lama Until 2010? - dalai bana

A holy man, a symbol of peace in the world and Govt has for years been in exile and Chineese. who wants to harm him and his people. Apartheid in South Africa to participate is stationary, His Holiness the Dalai Lama for the peace conference.

Isin't is time that all world leaders, athletes and people from all sectors of society to take against SA and China. Stop buying goods and services from China and SA. It may be aggressive, but not forgotten, Mahatma Gandhi, the salt left by the British themselves.

We can do it. Pass this message


styviesb... said...

Go to hell! Why do people suffer from a boycott in South Africa to decide by the government?
Let me say that no one not with the ruling parties of the decision can be wrong with the Dalai Lama to our great country! It is really shameful to hear what the politicians call into life their mouths, they say their "was for the good of the country" and "this is not the best interest, the country" and "Dalai Lama is a threat to World Cup 2010 "(I", not joking they have the word) ... BULL!
The SA Govt Sellouts more money than human rights.
If you had studied public opinion (or, see the sections, even on this question, because there are 2 here) with the laughter, you would not sound so arrogant.
Fuck you man, I do not know what's happening in your message.

styviesb... said...

Go to hell! Why do people suffer from a boycott in South Africa to decide by the government?
Let me say that no one not with the ruling parties of the decision can be wrong with the Dalai Lama to our great country! It is really shameful to hear what the politicians call into life their mouths, they say their "was for the good of the country" and "this is not the best interest, the country" and "Dalai Lama is a threat to World Cup 2010 "(I", not joking they have the word) ... BULL!
The SA Govt Sellouts more money than human rights.
If you had studied public opinion (or, see the sections, even on this question, because there are 2 here) with the laughter, you would not sound so arrogant.
Fuck you man, I do not know what's happening in your message.

styviesb... said...

Go to hell! Why do people suffer from a boycott in South Africa to decide by the government?
Let me say that no one not with the ruling parties of the decision can be wrong with the Dalai Lama to our great country! It is really shameful to hear what the politicians call into life their mouths, they say their "was for the good of the country" and "this is not the best interest, the country" and "Dalai Lama is a threat to World Cup 2010 "(I", not joking they have the word) ... BULL!
The SA Govt Sellouts more money than human rights.
If you had studied public opinion (or, see the sections, even on this question, because there are 2 here) with the laughter, you would not sound so arrogant.
Fuck you man, I do not know what's happening in your message.

Gtiboy said...

I support the decision of the Governments of South Africa.
I have nothing against the Dalai Lama, but coming here in 2010 to divert the attention of the World Cup. I'm not saying that things happening now should not be ignored or its significance. It needs to be discussed, but not during the World Cup.
The media is a huge turnaround in the SA and that gives a bad name. Originally, in good faith.

hongkong... said...

Heres an update for you. The peace conference is organized by the Dalai Lama, another unsuccessful attempt by the Communists who hate peace canceled. The Chinese Govt just want chaos is involved. A person of peace, to find methods of passive movement and not as Gandhi led a rebellion that risk the lives of others.

Dirk said...

I am with gtiboy, I do not know how to fool the world works and I think it's all about horses and rainbows. The DL does not import or export of all kinds, but not China. I would rather be rich and the oppressed, the poor and free. The pity is that what you want.

adil K said...

i dont thjink Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader. is good for drinking the urine of cows known

A friend in need said...

I agree with Dirk and the child GTI.

Take a little more research before you begin outrageous comments.

Let's leave sports and politics out of it. The South African government has the right to make their own decisions and PPL with too much time to make a big hoo-ha.

Every country has indepencdence PPL and want to break a country. Being what some better in the love of the West. Nobody wants to PPL Texas want independence or PPL would like to independence from the Cape, PPL is incomplete and because of jealousy, have addressed some of the Tibet issue. Tibet part of China, end of story. To accept the vast majority of China that Tibet is part of China.

You do not see that China is a big hoo-ha in the French and Spanish sepratists seek independence, because they respect the sovereignty of other states. Then eveyone should have the sovereignty of China.

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